One of my dreams is, with the children of the whole world, to wound up around the earth a huge ball of fairy tales threads. A giant ball with all the stories and fairy tales children have read to protect symbolically the earth by defending peace, love and the quality of our existence on the earth.
A ball of fairy tales threads is the protest of imagination for the children’s right to live in a healthy and safe environment. Only those who dream and read fairy tales can protect the earth from the invisible evil. The activity aims at sensitizing and activating the children to participate in a fairy tale where the witch of the invisible evil destroys whatever makes people happy.
Children write the title of their beloved tale on a fabric strip. All this strips, tied the one after the other, are wounded up around a sphere which symbolizes the earth. Since its first openings in the 19th book fair in Athens and the children’s libraries of the municipality of karditsa, A ball of fairy tales threads has been invited into libraries and schools all over Greece. The project has been realized also for the promotion of the love for reading as well as of the children’s rights.
